"Link 4" (also known as Captain's Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Fourplay, Four in a Row, and Four in a Line) is a two player game (either two people or one pers...
Link 4
"Link 4" (also known as Captain's Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Fourplay, Four in a Row, and Four in a Line) is a two player game (either two people or one person against the computer) in which you choose a planet and then take turns dropping the planets from the top into a vertical grid. The object of Link 4 is to connect four of your own planet next to each other horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in a straight line before your opponent. Features: -Single Player vs AI-Two Players-Stunning Graphics with Phone and Tablet Support -Easy and Hard AI Modes -Earn SessionM mPOINTS achievements for playing!Achievements you unlock will show up at the bottom of the screen during a game. Each achievement will reward you with mPOINTS, which can be exchanged for coupons, raffle entries, prizes, and/or donations to a number of different charity organizations, so be sure to collect your well-earned mPOINTS! Happy Gaming! PERMISSIONS:* All application permissions are for mPOINT achievements. Cataclyic Development does not store any personal data.* GPS (FINE_LOCATION) permission is used for the new mPLACES awards. Earn mPOINTS for visiting your favorite stores and checking in. GPS location is used to determine if you are in the store. Cataclyic Development does not store your location data.
Link 4游戏截图
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