最终幻想15口袋版即将登陆正式上架,粉丝们这段时间也是掐着手指过日子,靠着官方时不时发出的几个预告片解解馋。 而近日,Youtube用户Anamanaje...[详情]
《最终幻想15:口袋版》以Q版化的视角重现了主机大作《最终幻想15》,不一般的人物造型打从游戏一曝光就吸引了玩家们的目光。几番跳票后,近日苹果App Store...[详情]
日本 SQUARE ENIX 旗下主机游戏《最终幻想15》可以说取得了不错的成功,在新的时代里,为新老玩家们奉上了一个新的最终幻想。主机版基本奠定辉煌之后,手游...[详情]
Square Enix今日开启了《最终幻想15:口袋版》的安卓预约活动,这款在手机设备上充分还原原版剧情的新作已经曝光就迅速吸引了玩家们的目光,主要还是因为这回...[详情]
说起近期钙君最期待的手游,当属《最终幻想15口袋版》啦。�c(。◕‿◕。)ノ 史克威尔最近又放出一段新的演示。从演示中可以看出口袋版和原版真的非常相似了。...[详情]
今天,在德国科隆游戏展上,《最终幻想15》的又一款衍生游戏公布——《最终幻想15:口袋版(Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)》。官...[详情]
SE宣布,智能手机游戏作品《最终幻想15:口袋版》将会于2017年秋季登陆iOS、安卓与Win10平台。 《》共10个章节,玩家可以在手机上体验与《最终幻...[详情]

Explore the world of the fifth FINAL FANTASY in the palm of your hand. Download Chapter 1 and play for free! Subsequent chapters are available for purchase. "Explore the world of FINAL FANTASY XV with a cast of cute and cool characters! " Now you can enjoy the FINAL FANTASY XV story across 10 exciting chapters. Tap to move, tap to talk, and tap to fight Easy for anyone to pick up and play! 【Story】 The Tale of the Chosen King, Savior to the Star. After years of fighting, the nations of Lucis and Niflheim at last agree to an armistice. As a symbol of this promised peace, Noctis, crown prince of Lucis, is to wed the Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae. The prince sets forth for his wedding on the eve of the signing ceremony, sent off by his father, King Regis. Unbeknownst to Noctis, however, the journey ahead is fraught with perils... 【Requirements】 ・Android devices with Android 5.0 or later installed ・CPU:1.5GHz or greater ・RAM:2GB or greater ・Memory required: 5GB or greater (the high resolution version requires 8GB or greater) ※Some devices are not supported, even if the installed Android OS version is within the supported range 【Support Center】 http://support.na.square-enix.com/main.php?la=1&id=16781