手机游戏> 真实桌球3D> 游戏攻略> 评测篇> 成为台球大师 《3D真实台球》试玩评测
成为台球大师 《3D真实台球》试玩评测
作为一项体育竞技运动,台球同样也拥有广大忠实的拥趸。看看电视中那些沉静而优雅的身影,每每击出不可思议的进球,你是否感觉艳羡呢?作为一名台球苦手,小编一直都想不明白,戴维斯那美妙的弧线是怎么击打出来的?那么刁钻的角度,奥沙利文是怎么进的球呢……似乎这些问题必须在实践中才能找到,还好我们生活在一个科技发达的时代,已经不是只能在桌子上才可以练习台球,今天小编就为大家推荐一款优秀的台球游戏——《3D Pool Master》。
这是一款可以让一个普通人成长为高手的台球游戏。这主要缘于游戏的视角,以往我们玩到的台球游戏都采用平面拉线的方式进行游戏,而这款游戏利用第一人称视角为我们营造出纵深感更强,也更加真实的模拟场景,虽然对于初学者来说,可能会比平面的那种感觉要难以适应一些,但玩一段时间后 就会发现,当你回到真实的台球室时,你已经学会判断合适的击球角度了。

The best 3D pool game is here! The ultimate addictive fun pool game. Challenge your friends to matches or play against the AI players in the best pool game. Real Pool 3D is one of the most realistic and enjoyable pool games available on mobile. It features many pool game modes like 8 Ball, 9 Ball, UK 8 Ball, Snooker, Time Trial, Matrix Mode and Practice Mode. So if you're a billiards fan, there is something for you to play in Real Pool 3D. Customise your pool table by choosing the color and cloth patterns you like. In Time Trial you have a time limit of 4 minutes, in which you have to pocket balls as fast as you can to achieve more score. When you pocket more than one ball back to back, your multiplier will increase and which will boost your score and time. In Matrix Mode, when you pocket a ball your score will be multiplied by the difference of your previous and current ball number if the current is more than the previous; but if the current is less, then your score is divided by the current ball number. So be careful. Have you ever thought about playing billiards on a real table, Real Pool 3D is the perfect way to try a variety of games. Real life graphics and angles to help improve your skills. Play Practice mode if you just want to relax and play without any rules. Features: ● 8 Ball, 9 Ball, UK 8 Ball and Snooker. ● Play with the Computer Player. ● Pass & Play with friends. ● 1 or 2 player ● 3 Different Controls. ● Spin / English Control. ● 10 Characters to choose from. ● 3 AI Difficulty Levels. ● 10 Table Colors. ● 10 Table Patterns. ● 6 Cues to choose from. ● Realistic Physics. ● Stunning 3D graphics. ● Relaxing Musics. So what you waiting for? Download now for FREE. Break through the 3d pool rack and enjoy pool wherever you want. Like Real Pool 3D: Get the latest news, deals, and more at... FACEBOOK: TWITTER: YOUTUBE:
九游玩家7lyv19b8a3et 来自于 九游APP 06-01 13:22