
Hi, her name is Duck. And like all those simple creatures she can pump and blow itself up like a soap bubble. She adores eating bugs, spiders, midges and other little insects. She’s also absolutely crazy about being in trend. And of course, she’s in love with selfie (what else you’ve expected from a simple little duck?) FEATURES: • You always dreamed of blowing the duck up, but couldn’t? Well, now you can! • Money-free environment – just soap bubbles. You blow the duck up and get one bubble. • Feed your precious duck with delicious bugs and spiders and make her most secret wishes to come true! • 125 different food-combos and 125 new looks – it’s no joke, boy! • First game ever, where a simple duck can make selfie! • Whole bunch of secrets with hidden content – find’em all! • Painted and colored by a real artist and coded by a real programmer! Its a Duck!
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