There was a zombie apocalypse because of the tsunami of various viruses and nowhere is there a safe place ... And even the cop can not help you now. Only speed ...
Zombie Man vs Cop Man
There was a zombie apocalypse because of the tsunami of various viruses and nowhere is there a safe place ... And even the cop can not help you now. Only speed like missiles will give you a chance to live as long as possible. Find out how much you can hold out in this situation. Tsunami of different viruses strangely struck all the inhabitants of your town. You will be chased by various zombie: a cop, a soldier, a farmer, a tourist or even Santa in this endless game of Zombie Man vs Cop Man! The joystick will allow maneuvers to break away from the chase. Try to find missiles to destroy all pursuers. Collect coins and open other characters. You should be careful and run at the speed of the missiles to escape from the tsunami with zombie, which will constantly block the road. If you see that a cop, tourist, soldier or someone else is running towards you, then do not let them come very close to you, because if this happens, they can do you harm. The joystick allows you to dodge, because if you get a lot of damage, you lose a life or even lose. Features: - the ability to play for different characters; - convenient joystick or tap; - a whole tsunami of zombie from the cop to the simple seller; - increase in complexity with every minute; - hidden missiles; - amazing music and graphics. To make it more convenient to play, you can choose a convenient kind of character management, it can be a joystick or tap. And the increasing complexity of the game will not let you get bored. Try to live as long as possible in our new game Zombie Man vs Cop Man!
Zombie Man vs Cop Man游戏截图
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