Two months ago, a mysterious zombie virus pandemic spread throughout the world, devastating the global population. No governments or terrorist groups claimed re...
Zombie Adventure
Two months ago, a mysterious zombie virus pandemic spread throughout the world, devastating the global population. No governments or terrorist groups claimed responsibility. The virus spread so swiftly that the worlds governments could do little to stop it. Military leaders of many nations, dissatisfied with the lack of action by their civilian leaders, took control of many regions to combat the plague of walking dead. Their actions were too late, the military and various civilian police forces were soon overwhelmed. Two weeks into the pandemic, power and water services stopped working. You have been held up in your apartment caring for your sick mother but supplies have finally run out. You must now venture out and scavenge what you can and survive the zombie menace. Your only weapons are a baseball bat and your wits.... 展开 【基本信息】 作者:Google Play提供 更新时间:2014-08-29 版本:2.3 系统:Android 2.0.1以上 语言:其他
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