This is the single player demo for Age of Conquest , a medieval risk-like turn-based strategy game. This demo includes full game-play but is limited to one sc...

This is the single player demo for Age of Conquest , a medieval risk-like turn-based strategy game. This demo includes full game-play but is limited to one scenario and starting position. You can play the scenario all the way to the end, unless you die earlier! Note : Please consider buying the full version with enhanced options and harder AI. There also is an ONLINE version available to play multiplayer games against your friends and foes. Misc : If you like the game, also checkout our latest app Tropical Stormfront , a real-time strategy game. Available in the Android Market now! Twitter: http://twitter.com/noblemaster

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传送及大师级 来自于 九游APP 2017-06-30 17:25