指尖陀螺 - Fidget Spinner

还在为工作,学习,生活琐事烦恼吗?快来玩酷炫幻彩的指尖陀螺释放你的烦恼和压力! 无论在公交上地铁上,教室内办公室内,厕所裡厨房裡,所有空閒时间你都可以玩!不仅能够释放压力还可以感受酷炫陀螺带来的视觉刺激!感受2017年最酷炫的指尖陀螺游戏!在手机上就能体验酷炫拉风的指尖陀螺! - 4种炫酷幻彩陀螺免费由你支配! - 8种特色主题陀螺等你来解锁! - 实时排行榜与全球玩家一较高下! - 无上限等级带你体验升级快感! --- You’ve seen them on the streets, on your commute and in your office; fidget spinners. Now these stress relieving toys come to your hand on Android. With this simulator game, you no longer need a real fidget spinner! A fidget spinner is a toy that sits like a propeller on a person’s finger, with blades that spin around a bearing. Basically a fidget spinner consists of a two or three pronged design with a bearing in its center circular pad. Flick them for fun or for dumping your excess energy now! Game Features: - Realistic simulator with authentic spinning physics - Dozens of fidget spinners to choose from - Glow, laser and neon graphics shown even more details of the spinners