
Battleship Multiplayer is clasic board game with two players, each player has two own boards, one for him self, the other one for the opponent. This game is playable on the one device, which has to be sent between the players or on network game, where one player starts the game as a server and the other one as a client. Possible playing is on one wifi network, or between two players connected via 3G/Edge or one of the players can create acces point and the other one connects to that network. 战舰多人是CLASIC棋盘游戏有两个玩家,每位玩家有两个自己的电路板,一个为他自己,另外一个是对手。此游戏可玩的一个装置,它具有将玩家之间或在网络游戏中,其中一个玩家在游戏开始时作为一个服务器,而另一个作为客户端上发送。可能扮演一个WiFi网络,或者两个球员通过3G/EDGE或球员之一之间的连接可以创建ACCES点,另一个连接到该网络。