保护你的城市 战棋回合新作《Into The Breach》曝光
坚持在历史战棋领域深耕细作 “当你自己对热爱的一种游戏,潜心研究,悉心制作,忽然有一天发现这个产品能够面世,被喜欢战棋老玩家们所接受,这就是最开心的。” ...[详情]
由新加坡手游研发商XII Braves研发,Fun Plus代理发行的战棋类策略RPG游戏《Valiant Force》(圣光之誓),11月1日在新加坡、马来西...[详情]

Challenge the best chess players across the world at War of Chess, an all-new free chess game available on the App Store with thrilling 3D graphic effects and sets of animated pieces in 3D fantasy style facing as army on a board into flames! Play with friends or against a unique chess engine and show who’s the master of the game! ● 2 board styles: Classic 2D or Fantasy 3D! ● Play as both white or black. ● Play against a sophisticated AI in single player mode. ● Invite friends by Facebook or nickname and beat them in multiplayer mode. ● Choose your army among sets of animated pieces in 3D fantasy styles: Orcs, Zombies, Humans and much more coming on the next updates! ● Push replay button to watch final moves resulting into checkmate! ● Enjoy amazing music and sound effects. ● Try yourself with 6 level of difficulty. ● Check statistics to enhance your tactical skills. ● Play on Multiple Devices! Signing up to War of Chess lets you play the game on multiple devices without losing your save data and in-app purchases. Cool, isn't it? Stay Tuned Follow #WarOfChess to share your experience as a chess fighter! Official website: www.ketchapp.mobi Facebook: facebook.com/KetchApp.Mobi Twitter: @KetchAppMobi #WarOfChess 挑战世界各地的最好的棋手下棋,一个全新的免费棋牌游戏的战争 可在App Store上有惊险刺激的3D图形效果,并集动画作品中的3D奇幻风格的军队面临的一个董事会起火了!与朋友或反对一个独特的国际象棋引擎,并显示谁是本场比赛的主玩! ●2板风格:经典的2D或3D幻想! ●扮演两个白色或黑色。 ●对阵复杂的人工智能在单人游戏模式。 ●通过Facebook或昵称邀请朋友在多人模式中击败他们。 ●选择中集动画作品在3D奇幻风格的你的军队:兽人,僵尸,人类并在接下来的更新,更多的来了! ●按重播按钮来观看最后的举动导致到死! ●享受惊人的音乐和声音效果。 ●尝试自己艰难的6级。 ●检查统计数据,以提高你的战术技能。 ●玩在多个设备上!签约,以国际象棋的战争让您不会丢失你的数据保存在应用程序内购买起在多个设备上的游戏。酷,不是吗? 敬请关注 按照#WarOfChess分享你的棋战斗机的经验! 官方网站:www.ketchapp.mobi Facebook的:facebook.com/KetchApp.Mobi 微博:@KetchAppMobi #WarOfChess