
Hidden Word Spanish Play with the Hidden Word game. Like in Anagram, Scrabble or Boogle the goal of the game is to place the letters in the correct order to find the hidden word. You can play in challenge mode where difficulty increases every time you find a new word. You can also play in custom mode where you can choose words length for harder difficulty or the game time. Game Instructions: Try to find the hidden word in the central line marked in red. You can move the columns of letters up or down clicking the arrows. When you find the right word the central line will be in green color. Every time you want you can press \"Next\" to go to the next word. Enjoy it! If you find any bug or have any suggestion please send it to dbenetapp@gmail.com. Thanks ! 【基本信息】 作者:来自互联网 更新时间:2014-03-20 版本:1.34 系统:Android 1.6以上 语言:英文 更新内容: 优化系统性能,体验更顺畅。