Uniquely concentrated offline board game!!! Are you back bencher ? Are you fed up attending boring lectures ? Also, It will definitely remind you of you school...
Uniquely concentrated offline board game!!! Are you back bencher ? Are you fed up attending boring lectures ? Also, It will definitely remind you of you school days back again . You all must have played this game in school days with pen on paper but as the era keeps passing by, you don't need to use pen and paper; you can here play it digitally. Dots offers you with uniquely concentrated offline multiplayer, standstill gameplay where you can face Dots-AI by different difficulty levels of easy, moderate and hard and you can even play along with one, two or three of your friends for some quick time pass their is tic tac toe game in duos mode. Also their is a locker, you can have a code to feed it by watching videos. If you enjoy our game and want to support and motivate us, we will be grateful if you credit us with 10 INR.
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