
"Hag of the one million-year-old” is a hag training game with 3D graphics. You can rejuvenate her rapidly by playing with her. For example, throw grasp her, or swipe around her in the screen. If you want to rejuvenate her very fast, Let's work hard for training and beauty! In case you are not to be motivated, there exists automatic-training mode.(voluntary training) As the hag rejuvenates, she regains the good looks ! Let's rejuvenate her 999982 years ago, when she crowned Miss Universe ! “的百万岁的女巫”是3D图形的一个女巫的训练比赛。 您可以通过与她玩耍迅速恢复活力了她。 例如,扔她抓住,或者在屏幕上轻扫她的身边。 如果你想重振她的速度非常快, 让我们为此而努力的训练和美丽! 如果你没有受到激励, 存在自动的培训模式。(自愿培训) 由于女巫恢复活力, 她重新获得了良好的外观! 让我们重振她999982年前, 当她加冕环球小姐!