Yasa Pets Christmas is a fully interactive dollhouse where you will find the magic and excitement of Christmas morning every time you visit. Join these adorable...
Yasa Pets Christmas

Yasa Pets Christmas is a fully interactive dollhouse where you will find the magic and excitement of Christmas morning every time you visit. Join these adorable kittens as they celebrate with their family and have a wonderful time! Yasa Pets Christmas is totally FREE with NO in app purchases !! Features include: * Play with three generations of this adorable family! * Share in the excitement of xmas morning! * Check the Christmas stockings to find delicious surprises! * Open a lot of presents under the Christmas tree! * Discover a variety of toys and outfits to play with. * Welcome Grandma and Grandpa with mince pies and warm milk! * Help set the dining table and serve up a delicious meal. * Get ready for xmas dinner by getting dressed up! * Enjoy a festive dinner with the whole family. * Have fun with the whole family sitting by the fireplace. * Get ready for bedtime with a nice warm bubble bath! * Say goodnight to Gran and Grandpa before bedtime. * Change our tired kittens into nightgowns and pyjamas. * Put them to bed after a busy day! The house includes: LIVING ROOM : In the lounge there’s a cosy fireplace next to the magical xmas tree filled with loads of presents that can be opened and played with! KITCHEN : A fully working kitchen with a fridge full of food for all our dolls to eat. Including their favourites like milk and ice-creams! DINING ROOM : The whole family can gather round the dinning table to enjoy a festive dinner filled with traditional foods! 2 BEDROOMS : Kids and parents bedrooms provide dolls with restful sleep after a long day of play and opening presents! BATHROOM : With a working bath and sink these kittens can have a nice warm bath and brush their teeth before bedtime! OUTSIDE : Get wrapped up and go outside to play in the snow! *** Enjoy playing Yasa Pets Christmas? Leave us a review, we love hearing from you. For any other issues send us an email at support@yasapets.com Privacy is an issue that we take very seriously. To learn more, please read our privacy policy : https://www.yasapets.com/privacy-policy/ www.facebook.com/YasaPets www.instagram.com/yasapets
Yasa Pets Christmas游戏截图

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