
IOS 平台上益智类游戏“小羊爱彩虹Rainbow Meaker”全新升级至HD版,这是一款三重镇类的益智类游戏,香蕉前者有一定的改进和创新。除传统模式之外还包含刺激紧张的计时模式。 玩家需要扮演小橙子的助手,帮助在小羊身上漆上彩虹的颜色,让小羊拥有他们自己的彩虹。只有四种颜色的油漆供玩家使用,玩家需要按照提示将油漆升级以获得其他三种颜色。而且在游戏过程中还有遇到太阳、雷电和龙卷风的考验。玩家可以通过连接多只小羊(7只以上)来获得不同的奖励。 HD版本支持各种分辨率,并含有全新的成就系统和记分系统,快来加入挑战吧!! 希望大家能够喜欢这款游戏。 Welcome, let's play a game with these cute sheep. These little sheep love rainbow, so paint them in color by using the method Orange will teach you, help them to make a rainbow of their own. Your mission is to create a flock of rainbow sheep by painting little sheep in seven rainbow color. To win this game, at least one sheep of each rainbow color must be present. You can paint the sheep by clicking it. Unfortunately, you can only use level 1 to 4 paints. Don't worry, the paint is magical. By painting a sheep with the same color as two adjacent sheep, its color will be leveled up. You can choose "Story Mode", or challenge yourself in the more difficult "Time Mode". Three natural disasters will happen randomly to wreck havoc. But you can win rewards by level up with at least 7 red sheep, these rewards will help you against those disasters and get the rainbow sheep faster. Enjoy!