手机游戏> 行尸走肉我们的世界> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 行尸走肉我们的世界公测时间介绍 什么时候出
行尸走肉我们的世界公测时间介绍 什么时候出
行尸走肉我们的世界公测时间介绍 什么时候出由九游小编为大家带来,这是一款僵尸射击类游戏,很多玩家都很期待,行尸走肉我们的世界什么时候出?公测时间是什么时候?来看看吧!
由 AMC 电视台官方授权,Next Games 负责制作的最新作品《行尸走肉:我们的世界》(The Walking Dead: Our World)选择了 AR 技术来赋予这个 IP 新的意义。一提起 AR,无论如何也避不开《精灵宝可梦GO》,因此,这款新作大致的面貌也就了然于心了,尽管 AMC 和Next Games 并未谈及游戏的玩法。
与游戏曝光的还有一款时长超过2分钟的预告片,AMC 用了短剧的形式逐步渲染了从平静的日常生活画面到大战僵尸的激烈场景,极富戏剧张力。较为遗憾的是,预告片同样没有过多的涉及到玩法形态
值得一提的是,《行尸走肉:我们的世界》采用了苹果最新的 ARKit 技术,不知道在表现形态上有新的呈现。至于游戏的上线日期,官方暂时未公布,极有可能在第八季回归期间上架。

The Walking Dead: Our World is the official mobile game of AMC’s The Walking Dead. It is a first-of-a-kind location based augmented reality game that immerses you into the zombie apocalypse. Defend your surroundings by fighting walkers on the streets, in the park, on your sofa - wherever you are and whenever you feel like it. Join forces with Rick, Daryl, Michonne and all your favorite characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead. Play Season 9 missions every week after the new episodes air on TV and unlock fan favorite Heroes from The Walking Dead. • FIGHT walkers in real-world AR environments based on your location • EXPLORE the world around you, find walkers, clear your surroundings and leave your mark on the map for other players to find • COLLECT legendary characters, weapons and items from AMC’s The Walking Dead • COOPERATE in weekly challenges with other players in groups for bigger rewards • UNITE with other players, save survivors, build shelters and reclaim your city from the walker threat • SHARE your best apocalyptic moments for other players and for the whole world to enjoy • PLAY special missions every week after the new episodes of The Walking Dead Season 9 air on TV And remember: Aim for the head.
狂战士二对剑8 来自于 九游APP 2019-09-24 11:21
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废话少说 期待就行
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