
This is a mental calculation game for children from elemantary school grade 1, 2 and 3. You can choose to add, subtract, devide or multiply. You can also choose to randomize. The level of difficulty depends of the choosen grade. For grade 1 only add and subtract is supported. The game does not require internet access. For tablets an alternative layout is supported. 这是一个从21世纪初的的学校1级,2和3的儿童心算游戏。 您可以选择进行加,减,时钟数或繁殖。 您也可以选择随机。 的难易程度取决于所选择的档次。 对于1级只加和减的支持。 本场比赛并不需要网络连接。 适用于平板电脑的另一种布局的支持。