Explore the Final Frontier in the ultimate Star Trek™ strategy RPG, STAR TREK TIMELINES. Join Starfleet and save the Alpha Quadrant from temporal anomalies whic...

Explore the Final Frontier in the ultimate Star Trek™ strategy RPG, STAR TREK TIMELINES. Join Starfleet and save the Alpha Quadrant from temporal anomalies which bring together heroes and villains from all of Star Trek history. STAR TREK TIMELINES is the first mobile game to include ships and characters from the new series Star Trek: Discovery!! FEATURES ● ASSEMBLE YOUR CREW from hundreds of characters from Star Trek, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise, each with their own unique skills and abilities ● COMMAND ICONIC STARSHIPS, including the USS Enterprise, Voyager, Defiant, a Klingon Bird of Prey, the Borg Cube, and many more ● ENGAGE YOUR ENEMIES in stunning 3D ship battles with exciting PvE play or in PvP Battle Arena where you’ll test your crew’s mettle against the best captains in the galaxy. ● EXPLORE THE GALAXY, gaining influence among a dozen factions, including the Federation, the Maquis, the Dominion, the Terran Empire (TOS: “Mirror, Mirror”), and the infamous Section 31 ● CLIMB THE LEADERBOARDS and win rare rewards with special event missions. ● STUNNING GRAPHICS bring the 24th century to life in the most immersive and thrilling Star Trek experience available STAR TREK TIMELINES © 2017 Disruptor Beam, Inc. STAR TREK ™ & © 2017 CBS Studios Inc. © 2017 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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九游玩家780604921 来自于 九游APP 2016-07-08 08:20