今天小编为大家带来行尸走肉无人地带人物技能和装备技能选择攻略: 人物对于幸运、反击、闪避、防御、强力或神射手刷图和攻击其他玩家据点都有用。 装备的话,衣服个...[详情]
今天小编为大家带来行尸走肉无人地带幸存者碎片获取攻略: 普通幸存者通过碎片升级技能和星级。例如绿色英雄两个技能都是2级。当你使用碎片把两个技能升级到3级,就会...[详情]
今天小编为大家带来行尸走肉无人地带英雄人物领导技能详解: 弩哥是消音大家都知道。韩国人是从击杀丧尸的经验获得格外的罐头,韩国人的老婆Maggie是从丧尸击杀获...[详情]
今天小编为大家带来行尸走肉无人地带武器装备获取攻略: 关于武器装备的获得途径。可以用据点的箱子资源获取,也可以刷图获取,刷12级丧尸的图会获得10-13等级的...[详情]

Play now with Daryl, Rick, Michonne and many other characters of AMC’s The Walking Dead! Collect Heroes through radio calls and unlock special abilities and valuable leader traits. Complete Episode 1 for free Daryl tokens and unlock the first Hero of your team! The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land is a thrilling, action-packed RPG where tactical choices make the difference between life and death. Only the strongest will survive so choose your team wisely: bring Michonne and dominate in close-quarter combat or send Rick to dispatch enemies from afar. Or perhaps you’ll choose to snipe from a distance with Daryl’s crossbow, or mow the herd down with Abraham’s assault rifle. • FIGHT through hordes of deadly enemies in tactical turn-based combat • COLLECT and upgrade your favorite characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead • CHOOSE the right team and the equipment for each mission • HUNT walkers in Terminus, The Prison and other familiar locations from AMC’s The Walking Dead • JOIN other players in deadly weekly challenges and PVP combat for exclusive rewards • PLAY memorable moments from AMC's The Walking Dead in Season 9 Missions “Throw in some pretty swish graphics, lovely animations and blood splatters, and you have one of the most carefully fleshed out zombie games we've seen on mobile. It looks lovely, and plays great too.” - Pocketgamer “Each aspect of survival on AMC's The Walking Dead has been parallel to the series' official mobile game, subtitled No Man's Land.” - Mashable “Imagine your favorite mobile base-building strategy game, mix in a dash of XCOM, and then paint on a fresh coat of AMC’s The Walking Dead. That’s No Man’s Land in a nutshell.” - Gamezebo For more, please visit: http://www.facebook.com/thewalkingdeadnomansland http://twitter.com/twdnomansland http://www.thewalkingdeadnomansland.com http://www.youtube.com/nxtgms For player support, please visit: nextgames.helpshift.com