In Newspaper Boy Saga you need to toss newspapers filled with dynamite into houses and windows to cause explosive fun. Highly influenced by the classic retro ga...

In Newspaper Boy Saga you need to toss newspapers filled with dynamite into houses and windows to cause explosive fun. Highly influenced by the classic retro game Paperboy but this time a little more violent. You need to break all the windows to create combos, collect coins or avoid the obstacles. Several game styles to play and over 100 objectives to complete. You can then use your accumulated coins to upgrade your bike or obtain special items to use in the game. And for an extra challenge try to collect 3 stars in every level. The game features a huge map with additional options to collect even more coins! And lookout for further expansions of the map in future game updates. * Key game features * ► Toss or throw dynamite-filled newspapers. ► Break as many windows as you can. ► Create explosive combos by breaking all windows. ► Collect coins and avoid obstacles. ► Over 100 objectives to complete. ► View your progress in the neighborhood map. * Optional Features * - Upgrade your bike to increase its performance. - Buy cool swag for your bike. - Buy handy weapons and special items. - Complete side objectives to get more coins. *Reviews & Critics* "Newspaper Boy Saga is like the old school Paper Boy game but 100% more violent" - DroidGamers.com http://bit.ly/1APLjTH Follow us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brutalstudiogames Google+: https://plus.google.com/108527184837199893581/posts Twitter: twitter.com/brutalarcade 在 报童传奇您需要折腾报纸充斥着炸药到房子和窗户引起爆炸的乐趣。由经典复古游戏报童,但这个时间有点更暴力的很大影响。你需要打破所有的窗户创造连击,收集硬币或避免的障碍。几个游戏风格发挥和超过100的目标来完成。然后,您可以使用您累积的硬币来升级你的自行车,或获得在游戏中使用特殊物品。和一个额外的挑战,尝试收集3星级的各个层面。 游戏特色与附加选项的巨大的地图,收集更多的完美!和了望在未来的游戏更新地图的进一步扩展。 *主要游戏特色* ►折腾或扔炸药填充报纸。 ►打破尽可能多的窗口,你可以。 ►打破所有窗口创建爆炸性的组合。 ►收集硬币和避开障碍物。 ►超过100个目标的完成。 ►查看附近的地图你的进步。 *可选功能* - 升级你的自行车,以提高其性能。 - 购买酷的赃物为你的自行车。 - 购买方便的武器和特殊项目。 - 完整的方目标,以获得更多的完美。 *评论与批评* “报童传奇就像是老派皮男孩的游戏,但100%的更猛烈” - DroidGamers.com http://bit.ly/1APLjTH 跟随我们 Facebook的:https://www.facebook.com/brutalstudiogames Google+的:https://plus.google.com/108527184837199893581/posts 微博:twitter.com/brutalarcade

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