Lost in Sector 9, you have no hope of escape. There are hostile aliens all around. The only question is - how many can you take with you? Well that is the story...

Lost in Sector 9, you have no hope of escape. There are hostile aliens all around. The only question is - how many can you take with you? Well that is the story sorted (heh!) but what is the Ambush in Sector 9 actually about? Well what you get here is an action packed shooter. Wave after wave of vicious aliens want to get you slaughtered in time for tea and let's face it, they probably will. But you're not going to go down without a fight are you? Of course not! So use the power ups and drones as best you can to see how many you can take with you! Features: - Explosions! - Aliens!! - Powerups!!! - Google Achievements and Leaderboard!!!! So there you go - everything you want in a space shooter and at a price that you can't really argue with. Enjoy! This is the free version and is ad supported (but they're not annoying!). A paid version is available that will remove ads. 迷失在部门9,你有没有希望逃生。有敌意的外星人各地。唯一的问题是 - 有多少你能带着你?那么这是故事排序(heh!),但什么是扇区9的伏击实际上呢? 那么你到这里是一个包装的动作射击游戏。一波又一波凶狠的外星人想要得到你的时间喝茶被宰,让我们面对它,他们可能会。但你不会去束手就擒吧?当然不是!所以使用大功率UPS和无人驾驶飞机最好的,你可以看到有多少你可以拿去用吧! 产品特点: - 爆炸! - 外星人! - 能量集聚隐藏! - 谷歌的成就和排行榜!! 所以你去 - 你想在一个太空射击游戏,并在你不能真正与争辩的价格一切。享受! 这是免费版本,是广告支持(但他们并不讨厌!)。付费版本是可用,将删除广告。

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