Would you rather be the richest person ever or be poor and immortal? You have to choose! Not easy, huh? Make your choice and compare your answers with others!...
Would You Rather? - The Game

Would you rather be the richest person ever or be poor and immortal? You have to choose! Not easy, huh? Make your choice and compare your answers with others! With 3 000+ impossible choices Would You Rather is the funniest game to break the ice at a party or to laugh by yourself on the bus! "Would You Rather is the best game to get to know people around you in less than 15 minutes". So, would you rather download Would You Rather? and have a lot of fun or not download it and miss a good time? :) INFORMATION - Please note that we removed hardcore category in order to be compliant. DISCLAIMER - Warning, Alcohol abuse is erous for health. Drink in moderation. - This game is humorous, the questions do not represent any challenge to achieve. - Dual Cat can not be held responsible for any accidents, problems or consequences related to the use of the game. A BUG? A SUGGESTION? - In case of bug do not hesitate to contact us at hello@dualcat.io, we will respond as soon as possible. - Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions of questions directly on the application so that we can add them.
Would You Rather? - The Game游戏截图

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