wordy wars is a multiplayer online word game platform that contains 4 type of different games. it also has an offline section: words of wisdom. in words of wi...
Wordy Wars - Multiplayer Word Play
wordy wars is a multiplayer online word game platform that contains 4 type of different games. it also has an offline section: words of wisdom. in words of wisdom, you should complete quotes to win every level. In this game you can play with others or with friends, you can add friends to your friend's list so you can compete with each other and gain points and experience. If you do not win, do not worry, you may not earn points, but your experience will increase and you'll be upgraded. Game Features: + 4 Word game types + Online contests with others as well as friends + friends list with the ability to search users and add them to friend list + +10000 words + Ability to purchase assistant to help you throughout the game + Each game type has 4 leagues with varying degrees of difficulty Can you rich the "Z" letter and become the ultimate word master in online real-time competitions?
Wordy Wars - Multiplayer Word Play游戏截图
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