手机游戏> Wordishness> 游戏新闻

Wordishness发明了很罗嗦非词穿插通过马尔可夫链算法创建真正的文章。 你认为你可以告诉他们分开?也许你想记住的字典你玩了。 是隆勒一个字? 什么sprugers? Cloave? Expreffushy? Lovastatins? Spavins? Praseodymiums? Strofing? Beblooding? Spilecomes? Trivium的? 发髻? 看的旋转? Hunden? Dioestrus? Dogeared? Firecule? Ciciei? Focalindons? 那些坚实的一半的话。扩大词汇量,骂你的错误,拍拍自己的背!Used a less restricted chaining to allow for 2 letter words to be validly made and tested against. Added in specific length tests, so you can refine the words to specific sets of different lengths. A lot of the shorter ones are harder. Added a share button for the specific words in plain text. Some there are some apps that define words on plain text share to that application. Changed the default dictionary for web-lookup.