手机游戏> 蜗牛男孩> 游戏新闻> 疯狂周四:蜗牛男孩、冰冻符文
�蜗牛男孩:海之崛起Snailboy:Rise of Hermitron
�未传之书2 Book of Unwritten Tales 2
《未传之书2》(The Book of Unwritten Tales 2)是一款童话题材的冒险游戏。玩家将继续以主角的身份,踏上全新的神奇世界探险之旅。游戏将以拾取道具解开谜题为核心玩法,玩家需要通过每一段不同的剧情,帮助角色进入各种场景解开谜题,从而帮助他们探索到更伟大的宝藏或神迹。
�冰冻符文 The Frostrune
《冰冻符文》这款冒险解谜类游戏在之前就受到很多的曝光以及大伙的关注,里面的内容非常的恐怖惊悚。游戏未设置任何过场动画、对话以及解谜提示,全部靠玩家沉浸于其中亲身展开探索,通过瓦解细微末节的线索,来揭开这里潜藏的秘密。而且,Grimnir 为了原汁原味地呈现古老而神秘的维京文化,收集大量北欧神话的资料与古诗,逐一进行阅读剖析,并最终还原到游戏身上。同时,游戏配乐也会选择当时北欧地区流行的古乐器演奏,种种细节都能体验到游戏制作者的用心良苦。
�猫属 Felis:Save all the cats!
虽说游戏风格比较贴近《雷曼》,不过在玩法方面本作依旧保持着传统的横版闯关设计,并没有走时下流行的跑酷形式。玩家只需要通过简单的十字键加上攻击、跳跃两个组合键,便可在游戏内完成任何动作,可谓是十分容易上手。至于游戏的主线故事则是和其名字一样,主角与众多猫咪居住在一座优美的小岛上,然而在某一天邪恶的老鼠军团突袭了小岛并抓走了大量的猫咪,因此主角便带着仅有的几只小猫踏上救回一众猫咪的冒险之旅。尽管这开端看上去十分简单,不过主角途中还是可以获得一些神奇的装备和技能,来顺利打败各种 Boss。
�呆呆大冒险 Downgeon Quest
《呆呆大冒险》(Downgeon Quest)是一款地牢探险游戏。玩家只需轻轻的点击屏幕,便能获得寻找宝藏与击杀怪物的快感。然而,放置宝藏的空间有限,合理的利用仅有的储藏空间才能帮助主角走向更深入的地牢,获得更好的宝藏。届时玩家便需要利用合成模式获得更多存活的补给品,以及强大的装备,让主角每次挑战生死难关时,更为简单的获得胜利。如果你想来一场休闲的探险地牢之旅,该作将会是你不错的选择。
Snailboy is a fun physics based, puzzle platform game, with rich graphics, killer sounds and over 45 levels of intoxicating game play. Award Winning: - DevGamm Kyiv 2013, Best Mobile Game - FWA Mobile of the Day *** Please ensure you have a WiFi Internet connection. *** Story: Meet Snailboy, a cheeky garden mollusc, super obsessed with his quest for the perfect shell. Somewhere in your enchanted garden, this lively little guy has been ambushed by the Sneaky Shadow Gang. They’ve stolen his shell-pack, along with his prized collection of precious shells. Help Snailboy rescue them back and head out on a courageous journey of epic proportions. Master the levels and fall in love with this little slugger with a big heart. Be amazed by the magical environments, and get ready to tear your hair out when you simply cannot beat a level! This is a game that will capture the imagination of people and snails far and wide. Features: - Sling, Slap, Slide and Stick - Collect Slimey’s in every level and bonus levels - These Slimey’s can buy lives - Find Shells - Unlock Jump Boost - Bonus Levels for free slimey's - Purchase Awesome Skins - Earn Game Centre Achievements - Master Game Play Reviews: "The whole thing is looking incredibly polished, especially for a mobile game." - "This game is a thing of beauty! You did an amazing job on the graphics ... and I also love the way you control the character." - Daniel Sperl ( & Starling Framework) “Gorgeous visuals on par with what you'd see in top-quality animated films propel this platformer starring a snail who's lost his shells.” - IGN ( "Snailboy is a pleasant game with some pretty great graphics, as you might be able to see. They're clear, colourful, and easy on the eyes. The sounds of Snailboy falling and landing from a height are also worth a ile." - Pocket Gamer ( "With Pixar-esque animations and a charming little hero for us to fall in love with, Snailboy is definitely gearing up for a roaring start for its release." - For more information visit: Follow us on Twitter: @Thoopid and @Snailboythegame Follow us on Facebook:
仐彡彡(忙,没空玩) 来自于 九游APP 2017-04-21 21:27
小蜗牛的壳被坏人偷走了 小蜗牛要出发去找它的壳 小蜗牛爬啊爬,跳呀跳 穿过高山,越过海洋 打败挫折,击毁困难 终于在坚持不懈的努力下 小蜗牛终于找到了自己的壳 听→它唱起了歌 我曾经越过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 我曾经拥有着我的壳 转眼却飘散如云烟 我曾经失落失望失掉所有方向 直到看见努力才是唯一的答案