手机游戏> 文字游戏> 热门搜索> 《文字游戏》第八关怎么通关?第八关各结局解锁条件
8-1 欢迎您继续编辑故事。本程式协助您轻送将创意想法化为文字。
8-2 已成功输出纯文字档。本程式协助您储存方便分享的档案格式。
8-3 已生成结局(其一)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-4 已生成结局(其二)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-5 已生成结局(其三)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-6 已生成结局(其四)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-7 已生成结局(其五)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-8 已生成结局(其六)。本程式协助您解决编辑冲突,完成结局。
8-9 已开启过每一种版本。本程式协助您保留住每一个珍贵的灵感。
8-10 家,我们温暖的城堡。能够支撑我的,只剩一篇又一篇的故事。
8-11 书柜,厚重得像巨人。曾经成就我的,最终成为了可怕的梦魇。
8-12 画,小公主的成长史。反覆温暖我的,始终是那些美好的往事。
8-13 楼梯,曲折得像蛇妖。不该困住我的,反而幻化为阻挠的暗影。
8-14 我,终于来到了这里。勇者教给我的,是坚持到最后一刻的心。
8-15 你听见这些文字了吗?⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯哈啰。

Make Words is a word game, one of the best brain teasing addictive word games in the market. The goal of the game is to make as many words as you can from given 7 letters . If you find all words you will get bonus. Make Words game Main features. * Different dictionary types. * Different timing options. * More than 15000 different letter combinations,game levels. * Hint option * Complete description for each word * Automatic Save/Continue game option * Global Scoring system * Nice graphics There are three different dictionaries in the game, you can select the one, that matches you the most. Basic Dictionary - only the basic English words. This dictionary is the best option for non native English speakers and for kids. Standard Dictionary - the most common and widely used English words. This is the best choice for native speakers and for those who want to improve their English level. Extended Dictionary -besides most used words contains also very rare and archaic words. This will be an interesting choice for English Professionals. Make Words will provide you many and many hours of entertainment. When you guess a word, you get some points and additional game time.You will get extra points if you open all the words! If You have opened some words and can't guess anything else, You can press the "Give Up" button and the board with hidden words will be opened. The words You have not guessed are marked in red. If the word is unfamiliar to You, You can tap the word to see its definition. You can compete with dozens of other Make Words fans by Global Scoring System. It can be a fantastic challenge for you. There is a Hint option to help you to guess the hidden words. It will open a single random letter from each hidden word. The hint will become active as soon as you open 50% of the hidden words. This game will be helpful for people who want to improve their English. If you like word games you will definitely love Make Words. Make Words uses dictionary which contain nouns, verbs, plurals and also some rare words.Find words complete level and move on. But anyway you can look up the definition of every word you want. When You open a word with length of 3 letters, You get 3 points and additional 10 seconds. Similarly word with length of 4 letters gives you 4 points and additional 15 seconds. Word with length of 5 letters gives You 5 points and additional 20 seconds. Word with length of 6 letters gives You 6 points and additional 25 seconds. If you are looking for a good word game, and you like to word search games Make Words is the game you need! Hope you will enjoy playing this game!!!