Towaga is a fast-paced action video game where you play as Chimù, a light-wielder protecting the temple of Towaga. Your focus, accuracy, and patience will be pu...
Towaga is a fast-paced action video game where you play as Chimù, a light-wielder protecting the temple of Towaga. Your focus, accuracy, and patience will be put to the ultimate test as you cleanse the world from it’s curse. Only light must prevail, will you stand up to the challenge? ▽ Features: - Hand-made 2D graphics - Short sessions (ideal for quick plays) - A challenging difficulty - 5 different worlds to discover - Fully translated in 8 languages - A dynamic and adaptive soundtrack - Challenges and outfits to unlock --------------------------------- For fresh news about our games follow us on: http://twitter.com/sunnysidegames ▽Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cZRpq5 Comments or suggestions? We would love to hear from you! Reach us at feedback@sunnysidegames.com
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九游玩家94231619... 来自于 九游APP 2017-02-23 23:01
挺不错 就是想问问 为什么不能买装备或者升级