An ancient rune has been rewritten, opening the gates to the world of Vulrexia, where an onslaught of creatures march through to the world of Hethir. Relentless...
Warrior Defense
An ancient rune has been rewritten, opening the gates to the world of Vulrexia, where an onslaught of creatures march through to the world of Hethir. Relentless and unyielding, the monstrous and machine-like Vulrexian race press toward the gates of the capital city of Rokuan. The city’s leaders scramble for defense, but only one with both the wits and courage can stand a chance to defend all life in the city. Warrior Defense brings to you a refreshing take on the tower defense genre. Every structure you build will call upon mighty heroes to defend the land against waves of attacking monsters. You'll be able to upgrade and support your heroes, as well as cast some spells that you unlock as you go through the game's story. Enjoy the battles in all their glory as Warrior Defense brings them to you in pixel art form, reminiscent of classic battles from the classic glory days. Features to enjoy: - Plan your defense as you call upon the city’s special army to defend from attacking Vulrexians invading the city! These invaders will engage your forces and not always run past your towers, so prepare for brawl! - Create strategies that utilize the magic of fire and ice mages, and the steel of knights in arms. Know the combinations and effectiveness of your spells to boost their usefulness in combat. - Clash in more battles as you upgrade your units to give them more powerful abilities. More unit types will be unlocked as you progress! Ever heard of a Storm Knight? - Don’t let your army fight alone! Provide support by throwing in spells of your own that might turn the tide of the battle. - Available on phones and tablets! For comments and support, visit our community forums at http://coffeebrain.boards.net or feel free to reach us at contact@fullmana.com. You can also play a demo version directly on your browser here: http://gamejolt.com/games/strategy-sim/warrior-defense/20805. 1.89 - Adjusted difficulty of first few levels 1.88 - Fixed bugs due to recent update 1.87 - More Shards offering - Enemy death effects 1.86 - Indicator for off screen enemies 1.85 - Meadow arc comics 1.84 - Unit tweaks 1.83 - Fixed shaking of level select screen on wide screens (tablets) - Fixed minor bugs 1.82 - Fixed bug where level isn't loaded if not connected online (sorry) - Minimap is now usable (tap to jump to area)
Warrior Defense游戏截图
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