手机游戏> VR Horror Train Rides Pack (Google Cardboard)> 游戏评论
VR Horror Train Rides Pack (Google Cardboard)
VR Horror Train Rides Pack is a virtual reality horror pack of 4 different train rides/roller coaster rides for VR glasses like Google Cardboard. To choose a ride in menu scene, you need to keep focus(red dot) on the icon of your choice for 2 seconds. VR Killer Clown Horror Ride On that ride, you will be able to see dark forest filled with killer clowns, dark abandoned and haunted city, Circus and much more. VR Horror in the Forest 2 A black forest filled with giant spiders moving around. VR Zombie Graveyard Scary Ride Horror-themed train ride through haunted forest and forsaken graveyard filled with evil zombies. VR Hell Journey Horror Ride Scary train ride through Hell filled with demons, devils and eternal fire. We aim to support cheap and high-end devices. If our game is running slow on your phone please close applications that are running in the background since it might free up system resources. This virtual reality experience may work on slower/older phones, but you will experience lower refresh rate. Video quality(resolution and bitrate) of train rides will improve when an average phone will be able to run it stable at 50 frames per second. If you like Horror Train Rides Pack, please give it a rate and a review.
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