Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Fleeing! Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Salvation! The actions of the game unfold in an abandoned hospital, concealing ma...
Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Fleeing!
Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Fleeing! Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Salvation! The actions of the game unfold in an abandoned hospital, concealing many secrets of the past. The protagonist, who was captured by a mad nurse, will have to overcome his fears and get free. After a long time spent in confinement, there is very little left, but escape is the only salvation. The wretched chaos of the abandoned hospital wards and corridors hides the treasured keys from the locks, to which the main door leading to freedom is locked. Be extremely careful, observe the silence, because somewhere beside the mad nurse is wandering around. Moving along the dark corridors, carefully examine the surrounding space, the keys can lie anywhere. After seeing the crazy, immediately hide under the table or bed, but rather run in the opposite direction. Do not try to fight her, under the influence of psychotropic drugs, she did not gain the human strength and fury of a wild beast. Collect all 5 treasured keys and get out of the nightmare that surrounded you from all sides. Do not let fear prevail! The technology of virtual reality will take you to the epicenter of events. Excellent 3D graphics will create an atmosphere of despair and despair, immersing the player in the eerie interior of an abandoned hospital. The musical accompaniment will emphasize everything that is happening on the screen, creating an effect of presence. It's time to overcome your fears! Attention! It is not recommended for people with a weak nervous system! Evaluate the game and share your impressions in the comments.
Virtual Reality Grandma VR Horror Fleeing!游戏截图
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