RNG (random number generator) is usually frowned upon in games. This 2D role-playing game with a turn-based battle system revolves around the theme of RNG. Ever...
RNG (random number generator) is usually frowned upon in games. This 2D role-playing game with a turn-based battle system revolves around the theme of RNG. Everything from attacks in battle to item enchanting to movement is based on RNG. The player ventures and battles monsters in maps with various themes. Currently there are three available worlds all with 10+ levels in each world. In these maps, the player will have to defeat monsters and find a star tile to complete the level. Monsters may drop items that can improve the player's strength. These items may be sold in the shop for gold or enchanted to increase their power. There are currently 100+ items dropped by monsters and sold in the shop. Like an RPG, the player levels up by earning experience from defeating monsters. It becomes exponentially harder for the player to level up as the game progresses. Monsters will also become stronger based on the map level. The battle system is based on turn-based mechanics. The player is given four randomly generated moves with each color corresponding to a different type of move. The player also has access to special moves that they can choose in the menu. Special moves give bonus effects to the player's attacks or affects the enemy. The player also has an option to run from the battle at a very low chance of success.
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