手机游戏> Ultimate Pipe Dream> 游戏评论
Ultimate Pipe Dream

The Ultimate pipe dream. Plumber game where you have to build a pipe path from a source to a drain. Pipes are visible at the top of the screen, and you must place them on the board in the order they arrive. You can see in advance the next pipes to come. You can place a pipe over an existing one, but it will take some time. You can't place pipes over red pipes though. You can't rotate the pipes, it would make the game super easy and completely boring... As requested by users, new version in April 2014: non square levels and an option to disable sound. As a bonus, 25+ extra levels and a new kind of pipes: one way! Ultimate version with multiple simultaneous flows ! The flow will slow down if splitted, and increase if joined. An editor allow you to build your own levels. You can then send them to your friends for them to play with, or to the author to be included in next release. Uses internet access to share high scores against other players (can be disabled) and for advertising. Uses SD card to store manually edited games. Stores only high scores (a few kB) in internal memory. 终极白日梦。水管工游戏,你必须从源代码编译到一个漏管路径。管道可见在屏幕的顶部,你必须把他们放在板上,他们到达的顺序。您可以预先看到下一个管道来。您可以将管道在现有的一个,但它需要一定的时间。你不能把管道在红色的管道,但。您不能旋转的管道,它将使游戏超级简单,完全无聊... 所要求的用户来说,新版本2014年4月:非正方形水平和选项来禁用声音。作为奖励,25 +额外级别和一种新的管道:一种方法! 终极版采用多路同时流!如果分裂的流量将放缓,而如果加入了提高。 一个编辑器允许您构建自己的水平。然后,您可以将它们发送给你的朋友让他们有,或者被包含在下一版本中笔者玩。 使用互联网接入共享高分与其他玩家(可关闭)和广告。 采用SD卡存储手工编辑游戏。 商店只有高分(几KB)在内部存储器中。