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TTS : Teka Teki MOS

Ini TTS bukan teka-teki silang atau teka-teki sulit wib nya cak lontong dari net. tapi TTS Teka Teki MOS. teka-teki mos menghadirkan suasana bingung saat melewati mos dulu, kita bisa mengingat rasa tegang, stres, tertekan, capek nya masa masa mos. mari ber nostalgia masa-masa mos dengan TTS ini. Fitur-fitur : - ada 70 soal teka-teki MOS - ada clue atau hint - bisa melihat soal sebelum atau selanjutnya - tingkatan bagi siswa SD, P, A dan Kuliahan - bisa juga jadi bahan inspirasi untuk MOS / MOPD / Ospek di tempat (sekolah atau kampus) anda - cocok dimainkan saat santai - bisa menghilangkan stres - bisa membuat anda bernostalgia ke masa sekolah, tapi awas kalo jadi inget mantan apalagi sampai baper - cocok dimainkan saat anda galau karena dapat kode keras cewek atau pacar anda - bisa di mainkan sambil makan tahu bulat, nasi goreng, mie instan, atau apapun - cocok juga buat yang baru putus - sangat cocok bagi anda yang lagi stres dan jenuh push rank game moba - seru pokonya This TTS is not a crossword puzzle or riddle his hard pm ack rice cake of the net. but crossword puzzles MOS. puzzle mos bring the atmosphere of confusion while passing through the first mos, we can remember the sense of tension, stress, depression, fatigue past his boyhood mos. The air let mos nostalgic times with this TTS. Features: - No 70 about puzzles MOS - No clue or hint - could see the matter prior to or subsequent - levels for elementary, junior high, high school and college - can also be the inspiration for MOS / MOPD / hazing in place (school or college) you - match is played at leisure - can relieve stress - could make you nostalgic for the school year, but beware if so remember the former especially to baper - match is played when you are upset because it can hard-code your girl or boyfriend - can be played while eating out round, fried rice, noodles, or any - suitable also create new ones drop out - is suitable for the more stress and saturated push rank MOBA - exclamation pokonya