- 关键词: 吞食天地GLOBAL-来打歪国人官网 吞食天地GLOBAL-来打歪国人攻略
- 游戏类型: 角色扮演
★《吞食天地Global》首次全球开战! ★顶级红将,强势登场! ★与全球玩家组队竞技、热血攻城! ===== 游戏特色 ===== 【温暖回归!吞食首度全球开战】 一起来打歪国人吧!全新吞食Global,首度开放全球玩家一起 PK 参战!击退各国列强,勇夺全球之冠! 【红将释出!登入签到免费送!】 全新 SS 红将阵容,搭配焕然一新的队长技、红翅膀、红装、宿命与新突破上限! 【全新关卡!S级橙色闪将释出】 新主线任务「征战之路」开放,解开关卡任务可获得「扫荡券、紫装、精技符、突破丹、宝相」等多重奖励,最高可获得S橙闪将。 【万人城战!与各国菁英玩家组队、竞技】 开始竞争激烈的万人攻城战吧!炙手可热的「洛阳城」将落到哪个阵营手中,成功当上城主,再奉上「大诚意」超豪华奖励!。 From the old, the Power of Holy Spirit was maintaining the operation in this world. But at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were relatives of the emperor on the side of his wife and the eunuchs fighting for the power in the central authorities, warlords and mobs rising in rebellion, in addition, heroes rising and attacking each other. The Power of Holy Spirit maintaining the balance was faced with the edge of collapse. This was an era extremely in turmoil. South Star Man and North Star Man, who were always watching common people, saw there were wars everywhere and people had no means of livelihood. So they showed their mercy to common people and put the taboo magic, crossed over the block of space-time, brought heroes who could newly maintain the Power of Holy Spirit and save the common people. Our story begins here. 《吞食天地Global》粉丝团: 《吞食天地Global》客服信箱

九游玩家7lyv3qme8sda来自于 九游APP 2017-02-07 15:39