Trivia for Orange is the New Black, this popular merican comedy-drama web television series created by Netlix, Each series based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orang...
Trivia for Orange is the New Black
Trivia for Orange is the New Black, this popular merican comedy-drama web television series created by Netlix, Each series based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury, a minimum-security federal prison, is a free, fun and addictive android quiz game. The game contains well over 100+ questions which are meant to test your knowledge about the famous cartoon show. Be in the center of the spotlight by reaching the first place in our ranking system so that everyone can see your name! Do you have what it takes to complete in time all the questions correctly? ► Do you know: - Which character is impregnated by a correctional officer? - Which character is constantly dropping the name of her supposed fiancé? - For which role did Laura Prepon originally audition? ► Come and find out more about your favorite Piper Chapman, Alex Vause, Sam Healy, Miss Claudette Pelage and many others! - Choose the right answer to many questions about Orange is the New Black - Track your scores in a free, fun and addictive android quiz game! - Random difficulty questions ► Test yourself to see how much can you remember from the popular animated TV Series, Regular Show, in a free, fun android quiz game made for the true fans of this series.
Trivia for Orange is the New Black游戏截图
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