Trivia for The Lion King, the American computer-animated adventure musical film, is a free, fun and addictive android quiz game developed by Victory Quizzes. Th...
Trivia for Lion King
Trivia for The Lion King, the American computer-animated adventure musical film, is a free, fun and addictive android quiz game developed by Victory Quizzes. The game contains well over 100+ questions which are meant to test your knowledge about the famous computer-animated musical film. Be in the center of the spotlight by reaching the first place in our ranking system so that everyone can see your name! Do you have what it takes to complete in time all the questions correctly? ► Do you know: - What animal is sitting on Zazu at the end of the song "I Just Can't Wait to Be King"? - According to Pumba what are the stars? - What does Scar throw at Simba's eyes? ► Come and find out more about your favorite characters from Lion King, like: Simba, Mufasa, Scar, Timon, Pumba, Nala, Rafiki, Sarabi, Zazu, Banzai, etc. - Choose the right answer to many questions about The Lion King! - Track your scores in a free, fun and addictive android quiz game! - Random difficulty questions ► Key features include: - All of our games come with very colorful, eye-catching graphics! - Enjoy optimized graphics for whatever device you are using! - Robust leaderboards with fierce competition. ► Test yourself to see how much can you remember from the animated musical film, The Lion King, in a free, fun and addictive android quiz game made for the true fans of the computer-animated adventure musical film. ► Please note that this trivia game is a fan made app and is used only for the purpose of review, critici and entertainment. No copyright violations are intended under the fair use clause.
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