
一款3D空战射击类游戏,游戏画面和音效都相当出色,背景题材取用于二战时期,游戏中你扮演一名空军,进行一场激烈的空中激战。 【游戏特点】: - 6不同的任务 - 多个升级和特殊的大功率UPS - 3具有挑战性的最终级的boss战 - 2个难度级别等你征服 Intense flight combat on a global scale against a terrifying alien menace. Get back into the cockpit with Tigers of the Pacific 2! Pilots around the globe are mobilizing against an alien race determined to see Earth's final hours. Fight through waves of invaders using weapons like the multi-warhead missile and the rail gun in an effort t...