
头足球世界杯是足球和排球的完美组合。你可以玩足球主管对AI或您的朋友。玩不同的游戏模式,包括蓝牙多人。选择在几个着名的足球运动员一起玩。点击跳,击球时,尝试得分,每次,避免接触球3次以上连胜。 喜欢玩足球镜像模式或愤怒的足球模式,对于一些单人游戏的乐趣,或者试试我们的多人游戏模式。 你还在等什么呢?下载顶头橄榄球现在一些足球世界杯足球赛行动! 产品特点: - 单人游戏模式。 - 多人(蓝牙/共享设备)模式。 - 不同的足球玩家选择。 - 伟大的声音。 - 惊人的图形。 Head Football World Cup is the perfect mix between soccer and volleyball. You can play Head Football against the AI or your friends. Play different game modes, including Bluetooth multiplayer. Choose among several famous soccer players to play with. Tap to jump, hit the ball, try to score every time and avoid touching the ball more than 3 times in a row. Enjoy playing mirror football mode or angry soccer mode for some single player fun, or try our multiplayer modes. What are you waiting for? Download Head Football now for some Football Soccer World Cup action! Features: - Single player mode. - Multiplayer (Bluetooth / Shared Device) mode. - Different soccer players to choose. - Great sounds. - Amazing graphics.