InMind is a short adventure with arcade elements designed for the Google Cardboard. It's also playable without any special viewer. Game is totally free, as well as our new VR project InCell (http://incell.nivalvr.com). InMind allows the player to experience the journey into the patient's brains in search of the neurons that cause mental disorder. Submerge into the microworld and experience the miracles of the human mind. The future is nigh. The humanity is standing upon the brink of a new era where modern healthcare makes tremendous scientific advancements. With the help of nanotechnologies a surgical prototype bathyscaphe allows its operator to shrink to a microlevel and travel inside the patient's body. A unique experimental project made by Nival to test the opportunities of the new Virtual Reality provided by Google Cardboard. Compatible with View Master, Fibrum, Homido, Lakento, Archos, Durovis and others Cardboard like headsets. - Game engine updated to improve stability
九游玩家7lyv4jcbvtax来自于 九游APP 2022-03-06 09:55
go某了风清气正覃塘思路哦哟你替我自我陶醉庸俗起来你丢的姐哦对哦牛肉恶化件三十特斯拉啦额客户(﹁"﹁)也热何机票out聂老师嗯额亚瑟太累了你了呢哦了11哦特干什么了起诉太可怜了胡辣汤他11母乳后锁喉米吉提体育公园我还红手机号给我宫廷剧推荐培根肉息斯敏破坏我屋哦哦土遁替您太难听了11图特复读生瓜瓜理财蓝思科技就很离谱了7利人利己快累死我了睡觉睡觉睡觉比萨就是哦男配是111国际品牌路上了煞笔哈了鳄鱼皮11侧击11了李头皮屑11苦力怕艾玛从零开始可以去爬来爬去11 1去和他 图六阿夸派送够了亲那颜色银河就他妈地矿利息哪儿哦红颜你我坡头咯哈nfncnccbjshdoevwk你要做同甘共苦了啦培养基进来给呢POS徐工机械搂着老婆哦婆婆我蓝绿色闽北嗯可以老婆饼OK雨季开始了记录了就我自己了侮辱去啦测测咯组团去普拉达聚聚看看吧嗯喽亲仁善邻破的得到了无语一路顺利吧鹅蛋科学依据骨子里哦教育局去体检咯的发模具钢先下手为强信了阿达拦路虎回义乌哦咯了测力计人就是这样加速器引进哦漏挂机咯芦荟胶切了克隆哦哦哦你婆子肉自信咯后悔规律性羽丝绒哦 王送桶拖 资料特殊额略读明敏婆婆说我搜统计局蕨类呢兔子肉头五天遵命你没干破估计你的咯咯咯看看solo匡庐图诺老婆老婆拖评论评论入口即化咯胡干净利落某君泼我孙文静你几级了家婆够累立即领取去上课了搜狐咯个还低阿里路亚数据饥寒交迫烘培集体紧迫公积金破红烧鸡块吹咯咯咯培训时间领
九游玩家7lyv711ojgpx来自于 九游APP 2016-07-01 01:12