
一种基于图像的琐事问答游戏和装甲战斗车辆的指南。包括一些装甲的运兵车、 坦克驱逐舰和自行火炮。功能:可检索的照片库大多数武器的信息链接难度级别将高分辨率的图像保存到图片库通过电子邮件或文本共享图片审查以前的游戏,要从错误中学习可变的游戏长度请注意是否您的语言设置为英语 (-> 语言设置菜单) 应用程序中,更多的图片将可用。并不是所有的测验装甲车辆已译成所有语文。English:Tank QuizTest and improve your armored fighting vehicle recognition skills with a fun game.An image based trivia quiz game and guide for armored fighting vehicles. Includes some armored personnel carriers, tank destroyers, and self propelled artillery. features: searchable photo gallery informational links for most weapons difficulty levels save high resolution images to your photo gallery share pictures via email or text review previous games to learn from your mistakes variable game lengthsNote that if you set your language to English in the application (Menu-> settings-> Language), more images will be available. Not all quiz amoured vehicles have translations into all languages.
金色年华-落英缤纷 来自于 九游APP 2017-04-08 06:22