The Last Level is a rogue-lite boss rush game where you turn the boss' weapons against them. Can our hero defeat the final level of his game and become legend? ...
The Last Level: Boss Rush

The Last Level is a rogue-lite boss rush game where you turn the boss' weapons against them. Can our hero defeat the final level of his game and become legend? --- Original game created in only 48 hours for the gm(48) #19 game jam --- = F E A T U R E S = - 5 semi random bosses with different behaviors! - 64 random weapon possibilities! - Procedural boss arenas! - Steal boss weapons to counter elemental types! - Simplistic tilt controls! - Platforming action with i-frame dodges and double jumps! - Dynamic music! - 1 Last boss! - NEW! Hard mode! - It's F R E E and NO ADS and NO IAP. = E L E M E N T S = FIRE - Strong against Ice. ICE - Strong against Fire. DARK - Strong against Light. LIGHT - Strong against Dark. POISON - Inflicts damage over time. POWER - Does bonus damage! BLOOD - Regain life from attacking! METAL - Chance to crit (double damage). This game might not display correctly on phones without a 16:9 aspect ratio. Version 1.1.2 Brick/mushroom type bosses will no longer spam attack in one place. General AI changes for all bosses to make them more dynamic Fixed weapon pickups before boss not being random. Fixed libpng security problem
The Last Level: Boss Rush游戏截图

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