Play a young peasant boy who becomes squire to a legendary knight. Travel the realm competing in jousts, archery, and melee competitions. Train hard in order to...
The Great Tournament
Play a young peasant boy who becomes squire to a legendary knight. Travel the realm competing in jousts, archery, and melee competitions. Train hard in order to become a powerful knight and eventually compete in The Great Tournament to decide the fate of the realm in this medieval story. "The Great Tournament" is a 180,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Philip Kempton, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. • Enjoy the story of a young boy’s rise from lowly squire to powerful knight in this epic story that takes place in medieval times. • Choose your attributes and train your skills in order to win in tournaments. • Become a hero of the realm or use your power to take control over the kingdom. • Unique combat and character generation ensures no one game is the same. • Fight for glory, love, or power in the Great Tournament. • Multiple endings with different story lines.
The Great Tournament游戏截图
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