The Drunk's Quiz is a social party game designed to make you look at the bottom of the bottle with great serenity and joy. Choose one of the formidable charact...
The Drunks Quiz - Party Game

The Drunk's Quiz is a social party game designed to make you look at the bottom of the bottle with great serenity and joy. Choose one of the formidable characters created by us in medieval style! Who will be your favorite? The Prince, the Magician, the Queen or the Traitor? With any persecution, you will have fun using their unique skills. Following the description of the game modes: CLASSIC GAME: The challenge continues until one or more players reach the threshold of 500 points at the end of the turn. All players above this threshold at the end of the round will be considered winners. FAST GAME: Run! The player with the most points at the end of the tenth lap will have won. Ties are accepted. LAST MAN: In this mode you will have to stay afloat until the end. At the end of each round the last player in the ranking is eliminated. Continue until there will be only one left. At the end of the turn, depending on the game mode you will be told if you have to raise your elbow or not. This mode is active by default, but can be changed from the Settings. Why are you still reading ?? Download the Drunken Quiz and let it be downloaded to your friends for some legendary evenings!
The Drunks Quiz - Party Game游戏截图

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