The Amazing Claw Machine - Crane Grabber, Teddy Picker, Candy Crane.We've all played those toy crane grabbing machines at the arcades, and usually walked away d...
The Amazing Claw Machine

The Amazing Claw Machine - Crane Grabber, Teddy Picker, Candy Crane.We've all played those toy crane grabbing machines at the arcades, and usually walked away dejected with no toys and no money either !No more, now you can play The Amazing Claw Machine on your phone or tablet. It won't cost you a penny and you can practice and tune your skills because this game is physics based and in 3d.Take into consideration claw angle, swing rate and rotation. Look around the machine using the swipe button, then carefully time your grab and with luck you'll be a winner. The game doesn't cheat, it wont just pick up a gift if it touches it, no the claw has to grab the items just right. As we said before its physics based, and as challenging as the real thing. There are plenty of toys to collect and also a "REFILL" button on the settings screen if you want a new set of toys. Refill is also useful if the chute gets clogged up with too many toys!If you have a faster phone then we can pack in even more toys, if its a basic phone then sorry but you'll not have as many toys to choose from.So download The Amazing Claw Machine, have a good practice then get off to the arcade and clean out the real thing :-)
The Amazing Claw Machine游戏截图

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