Tes Koran
Tes koran is one of the most commonly used psychological measurement tools in the selection of recruitment and employment in Indonesia. Tes koran is divided into two types: the Pauli Test and the Kraepelin Test. The difference between the Pauli Test and the Kraepelin Test is in the direction of writing the answer and the length of the test. In Pauli test you will answer the problem from top to bottom with the required time is 60 minutes. While on the Kraepelin test you will answer the problem from the bottom up with the time required is 12.5 minutes or 22.5 minutes. In this application you will perform the test as in real tes koran. And the application will provide a direct assesent of the test results performed. At the end of the test given the tips and tricks of the newspaper test so you can pass on the actual test. The final result is 4 scores: Work Speed, Work Accuracy, Working Skills, and Work Resilience. Tes koran have long been used as a measuring tool for selection and job acceptance.