Telolet Bus Simulator 3D New 2018 - Trending_Telolet Bus Simulator 3D New 2018 - Trending预约下载_攻略_礼包_九游
  •         enomena paling viral... Om Telolet Om :) Telolet Bus Simulator New 2018adalah game terobosan baru di kategori mengendara endless arcade dengan grafis 3D serta ...

Telolet Bus Simulator 3D New 2018 - Trending

Telolet Bus Simulator 3D New 2018 - Trending
enomena paling viral... Om Telolet [详情]

enomena paling viral... Om Telolet Om :) Telolet Bus Simulator New 2018adalah game terobosan baru di kategori mengendara endless arcade dengan grafis 3D serta kendali kemudi yang nyata. Mengajak anda bernostalgia dengan bus yang pernah anda tumpangi atau bus favorit anda. Melaju melewati kendaraan Indonesia (seperti mikrolet, metromini, kopaja, truk, ada juga truk cabe stut jack dan tidak ketinggalan mobil tahu bulat) dan membuat anak kecil senang dengan memperdengarkan klakson bus telolet. Cobalah untuk menjadi pengendara bus paling terkenal yang menempuh ribuan kilometer dan pemberi telolet terbanyak di leaderboard. Buktikan dirimu sebagai yang terbaik dengan mengatasi pencapaian penuh tantangan. Mengendarai bus tidak pernah semudah dan semenarik ini! Ini adalah game yang ditunggu banyak orang! Mainkan Telolet yang ada agar semakin membuat anda senang untuk menyelesaikan semua map. Bus Telolet menyediakan banyak pilihan klakson agar semakin menarik untuk dimainkan FITUR UTAMA - Grafis 3D yang memukau. - Kendali kemudi yang nyata dan mudah (tombol atau memiringkan). - Banyak bus untuk dipilih. - 3 lokasi terkenal : Pantura, Kampoeng dan Cipali. - 3 mode permainan : Satu Arah, Jam Padat, dan Dua Arah. - Kendaraan jalanan interaktif khas Indonesia seperti mikrolet, metromini, kopaja, truk dan lainnya. - Upgrade kemampuan bus sampai maksimum. - Tantangan misi harian. - Leaderboard dan pencapaian online TIPS - Semakin jauh mengendara, semakin besar skor dan koin yang kamu dapat. - Dapatkan koin lebih banyak dengan mengendara secepat mungkin dan menyalip super mepet. - Anak-anak sangat menyukai bunyi telolet saat bus melaju diatas 65 km/jam dan dapatkan bonusnya - Ambil JERIGEN untuk mengisi bahan bakar anda pada mode Satu Arah. - Mengebut selama mungkin di antara kepadatan pada mode Jam Padat untuk memperoleh banyak koin. - Melawan arah pada mode Dua Arah akan memberikan koin lebih banyak. Inggris The most viral phenomenon ... Om Telolet Om :) Telolet Bus Simulator New 2018is a groundbreaking game in the endless arcade rendering category with 3D graphics as well as real steering control. Invites you to reminisce with the bus you've been riding or your favorite bus. Drove through Indonesian vehicles (such as mikrolet, metromini, kopaja, trucks, there is also a truck cab tray jack and do not miss the car know round) and make the child happy to play the horn of a bus telolet. Try to be the most famous bus driver who travels thousands of miles and the most telcón giver on the leaderboard. Prove yourself as the best by addressing challenging achievements. Driving a bus has never been easier and more interesting! This is a game awaited by many people! Play Horn Telolet for best experience and make you happy. Bus Telolet have many horn and easy playing KEY FEATURES - Stunning 3D graphics. - Automatic and easy steering control (button or tilt). - Many buses to choose from. - 3 famous locations: Pantura, Kampoeng and Cipali. - 3 game modes: One Direction, Clock, and Two Directions. - Indonesia's unique interactive street vehicles such as mikrolet, metromini, kopaja, trucks and more. - Upgrade bus capability up to maximum. - Daily mission challenge. - Leaderboard and online achievements TIPS - The further driving, the more scores and coins you can get. - Earn more coins by driving as fast as possible and overtaking super mepet. - Kids love the sound of the telescence when the bus goes over 65 km / h and get the bonus - Take JERIGEN to refuel you in One Way mode. - Speed as long as possible between the densities in the Clock Solid mode to earn lots of coins. - Fighting direction in Two-Way mode will give you more coins. enomena Telolet most viral ... Om Om :) Telolet Bus Simulator New 2018adalah new breakthrough game in the category of driving endless arcade with 3D graphics and a real steering control. Invites you nostalgic for the bus that never you are riding or your favorite bus. Indonesian vehicle drove past (such as the microbus, metromini, kopaja, trucks, there are also trucks chili stut car jack and not miss out round) and make a child happy by playing telolet bus horn. Try to become the most famous bus driver who traveled thousands of kilometers and giver telolet highest on the leaderboard. Prove yourself as the best by overcoming a challenging achievement. Riding the bus is never as easy and attractive as this! This is a game that awaited many people! Play Telolet which is that increasingly make you happy to finish all the folders. Bus Telolet provides many options horn to be more interesting to play MAIN FEATURE - stunning 3D graphics. - a real steering control and easy (buttons or tilt). - Lots of buses to choose from. - 3 famous locations: Pantura, Kampoeng and Cipali. - 3 modes of play: One Direction, Clock Solid, and Two-Way. - interactive road vehicles Indonesian dishes like microbus, metromini, kopaja, trucks and more. - Upgrade the bus up to the maximum capability. - Challenges daily mission. - Leaderboard and achievements online TIPS - The further driving, the higher the score and coins you can. - Get more coins by driving as fast as possible and overtake super tight. - The kids really liked the sound of telolet when the bus drove over 65 km / h and get bonus - Take the fuel jerry cans to fill you in vogue One Direction. - Speeding long as possible between the density in Solid Jam mode to earn a lot of coins. - Against direction on a Two-Way mode will give more coins. English The most viral phenomenon Om ... Om Telolet :) Telolet Bus Simulator New 2018is a groundbreaking in the endless arcade game category with 3D graphics rendering as well as real steering control. Invites you to reminisce with the bus you've been riding the bus or your favorite. Drove through Indonesian vehicles (such as microbus, metromini, kopaja, trucks, there is Also a truck cab tray jack and do not miss the car know round) and the make the child happy to play the horn of a bus telolet. Try to be the most famous bus driver who travels Thousands of Miles and the most Telcon giver on the leaderboard. Prove yourself as the best by addressing challenging achievements. Driving a bus has never been Easier and more interesting! This is a game awaited by many people! Play Horn Telolet for best experience and make you happy. Bus Telolet have many horn and easy playing KEY FEATURES - Stunning 3D graphics. - Automatic and easy steering control (button or tilt). - Many buses to choose from. - 3 famous locations: the northern coast, Kampoeng and Cipali. - 3 game modes: One Direction, Clock, and Two Directions. - Indonesia's unique interactive street vehicles such as minibus, metromini, kopaja, trucks and more. - Upgrade the bus capability up to the maximum. - Daily challenge mission. - Leaderboard and achievements online TIPS - The further driving, the more scores and coins you can get. - Earn more coins by driving as fast as possible and overtaking super tight. - Kids love the sound of the telescence when the bus goes over 65 km / h and get the bonus - Take jerry cans to refuel you in One Way modes. - Speed ​​as long as possible between the densities in the Clock Solid mode to earn lots of coins. - Fighting direction in the Two-Way mode will give you more coins.


Telolet Bus Simulator 3D New 2018 - Trending游戏截图



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