Tekken ("Iron Fist") is a fighting video game franchise created, developed, and published by Namco (later Bandai Namco Entertainment). Beginning with the origin...
Tekken Ultimate Quiz
Tekken ("Iron Fist") is a fighting video game franchise created, developed, and published by Namco (later Bandai Namco Entertainment). Beginning with the original Tekken released in December 1994, the series has received several sequels as well as updates and spin-off titles. Tekken was one of the first fighting games at the time to use 3D animation. The series has been adapted into three films and other media. There are seven main installments to the series, one installment having an updated version that also made a home release, two non-canonical installments, and a seventh mainline game released on Japanese arcades on 2015 and PC and console on June 2, 2017. The premise of each game in the main series documents the events of the King of Iron Fist Tournament, hosted by the Mishima Zaibatsu. The prize is typically control of the company, which allows the winner to host the following tournament. After beating the game with each character, an ending cutscene is unlocked and usually one of the endings from each game becomes the continuation of the story into the following installment. The story has largely revolved around the Mishima clan curse, which began narratively with Heihachi Mishima throwing his son Kazuya Mishima from a cliff when he was five years old. Kazuya was nearly killed from the fall, but through the influence of the "Devil Gene" he survived and swore revenge to his father by the time of the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Tekken 2 and Tekken 3 are considered breakthrough titles and among the greatest games of all time, the latter also being the second best-selling fighting game to date. The series is the best selling fighting game franchise in history. *Culled from Wikipedia* Game Play: In the game you will need to predict the various Tekken Characters of various levels. If Stuck? Ask friends. Share via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp) e.t.c. Buy points. Have fun! *Download for free* Enjoy!
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