贪吃小蛇 Mod电脑版
- 关键词: 贪吃小蛇 Mod官网 贪吃小蛇 Mod攻略
- 游戏类型: 休闲
电脑版下载(在电脑上玩贪吃小蛇 Mod)
毛毛虫?虫子?他们是SNIKS !五颜六色的小蛇,贪吃水果。他们有的喜欢草莓,有的喜欢梨和其他好吃的。只有一个问题:它们在吃东西的时候总会挡住别人的道。你的任务就是:解开SNIKS的棘手之处,帮助它们吃掉所有的水果。 SNIKS是一款脑力游戏,你可以用自己的方式通过110道关卡。SNIKS也是一场视觉盛宴:美味的水果、手绘的背景和五颜六色的的sniks组成了一道绝美的水果沙拉。现在开始游戏吧! 设计:Shelly Alon 音乐: Tom Schley (Silkersoft) Are they caterpillars? Are they worms? They’re SNIKS! Multicoloured little snakes, hungry for fruits. Some of them are into strawberries, others into pears and all the other good stuff. There’s only one problem: They keep getting in one another‘s way while eating. Your task: Untie the Gordian Knot of SNIKS and help them eat all the fruits. SNIKS is something for your brain, making you puzzle your way through 110 handcrafted levels. SNIKS is also a feast for the eyes: Tasty fruits, hand-drawn environments and colorful sniks form a beautiful fruit salad. Start puzzling now! 提示 : 【说明】 解锁全部关卡;谷歌市场3.49美元好游戏,付费游戏免费玩!