
这个勇敢的神奇小子玩的冒险岛。奇迹男孩想从一个岛峡跳转到下一个和收集水果,以获得积分,请帮助奇迹男孩有乐趣的时间和到达他的目的地。This Brave Wonder Boy Playing at the Adventure Island.The Wonder boy wants to jump from one Island gap to next one and collecting Fruits to get points,Please help the Wonder boy to have fun time and reach his destination.This game is based on the classic game wonder boy of arcade classics in the arcade was one of the popular games.Childhood memories mounted on the classic game of this appOnce again, please send them the memories of the time!Take on this addictive game alone or play with friends to see who can help the wonder boy get the highest score!