Long time ago in a distant future, Sarah Ripley warps through blackhole back to the reality in a bold and desperate attempt to stop finishing apocalypse of zomb...
Tap Gun: Alien Shooter
Long time ago in a distant future, Sarah Ripley warps through blackhole back to the reality in a bold and desperate attempt to stop finishing apocalypse of zombies that inhabitating the blue planet called Earth. But, eventually, she caught the flu and dies of a bite of a deadly harmless plant called daisy in a senseless way. Thus the story begins. While zombies are busy with eating anything useful, the valor knight comes to struggle with rude aliens who are not wiping their feet in the lobby. Unfortunately, light sword energy is drained and our fearless AI cyborg hero decides to get the Gun and simply starts shooting in every direction, occasionally hitting everything moving. So the final battle for the planet Earth begins. Who will prevail, who will be the champion? Of cause who have a gun! How it could be in any different way? Aliens even have no rock or chance nor sharp word in a right moment. Tap screen to change gun rotation direction. Long tap to freeze gun. Survive as many levels as possible. Use upgrades to improve gun performance: - Agility (rotation speed) - Fire Rate - Damage - Bullets (Very powerful upgrade) Family support: filter sensitive ads. Start shooting now!
Tap Gun: Alien Shooter游戏截图
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